Sustainability (UN 17)
The word sustainable is often used when talking about taking care of the earth. Sustainability is about passing the earth on to the next generation in as good condition as we took it over. The choices we make in everyday life have significance and consequences for the earth. Consequences that you may not be able to see today, but which may have significance far into the future.
Sustainability is therefore about all the things we do in our everyday lives. Whether we buy a lot or a few things. Sorting our waste or not. Whether we cycle or drive a car. About all the little things we do that leave a footprint on the earth.
The new global goals are the world's joint plan for how we create sustainable development in the world.
Officially, they are called "world goals for sustainable development". The challenges that the global goals must solve are complex and must be attacked from several angles. The global goals are therefore based on a broad understanding of sustainability. They are both about social, economic and environmental sustainability.
The global goals focus on responsible consumption and production.
The global goals apply to everyone. We can only make the world a better place if we work together.
The global goals are our joint plan for how we can make the world more sustainable.
We will be 100% transparent with you. We have spent a lot of time finding the right suppliers and manufacturers and want to share the stories of how our product came to be, so you know exactly what you are buying when you buy a Tintok product.
All our products have a certification called GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and help to ensure that the development goals (the 17 global goals from the UN) are achieved through the requirements placed on production:
1. End poverty
All workers receive a minimum wage and then some, which ensures that they can afford to feed their families and pay for the education of their children.
2. Stop hunger
Farmers who grow fibers for GOTS textiles commit to crop rotation, so that food is always grown on part of their land.
3. Health and well-being
There are very strict requirements for which chemicals may be used in yarn production and in the fields. No harmful or potentially harmful substances are used in production. No pesticides on the fields either. In addition, the workers must be ensured proper and hygienic conditions at the workplace.
4. Quality education
Child labor is prohibited in GOTS certified production. In return, the parents are paid a little more, so they can afford to send their children to school.
5. Equality between the sexes
All discrimination due to gender, race, sexual orientation or status in society is prohibited in GOTS certified production.
6. Drinking water and sanitation
All workers throughout the production chain must have access to clean drinking water and hygienic toilet conditions.
7. Sustainable energy
GOTS certification requires that the energy sources in production can be documented and that employees are trained to save on energy consumption.
8. Decent jobs and economic growth
Voluntary employment, decent working conditions, no forced overtime and quality products for the consumer help to ensure decent jobs which simultaneously create economic growth through increased demand.
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
GOTS prohibits harmful and toxic production methods, and thus helps to develop new, better and healthier industries.
10. Less inequality
The GOTS certification assumes that there is no discrimination in employment or remuneration.
11. Sustainable cities and communities
The absence of harmful chemicals in production results in a healthier local environment and better conditions for nature around the production sites. The limited working hours*** and the slightly higher salary means that the workers have time and money to see their family and get involved in the local community.
12. Responsible consumption and production
GOTS certified textiles always consist of a minimum of 70% organic fibers (the exact proportion appears on the label on the product). The strict requirements for environmental and working conditions in production ensure responsible production. The GOTS label also helps to make the consumer aware of the conditions under which the products are produced.
13. Climate action:
GOTS certification implies that local legislation on the emission of greenhouse gases is complied with. All emissions must be measured.
14. Life in the sea
All waste water must be properly cleaned before it is discharged into nature and rules for correct pH, temperature, oxygen content and the amount of organic material in all waste water must be observed.
15. Life on land
Organic cultivation of the raw materials helps ensure better soil conditions, also in the long term. Only packaging from sustainable sources is used for the products.
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
Violence, physical and psychological punishment, bribery, corruption and extortion are not tolerated. Employees are encouraged to participate in the decision-making processes and that employees know and use their right to join a trade union.
17. Partnership for Action
GOTS collaborates with trade associations within agriculture, chemistry and textiles, as well as NGOs, authorities and governments, to continuously improve the labeling scheme and spread awareness of it.